"We plan. God laughs." —Yiddish proverb
Be that as it may, here is the route I've planned around the world: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1TpWGqji4O2sRD_GXRU7pZwTCPH1junA&usp=sharing
I'm following the Guinness Book of World Records rules for circumnavigations of the world by bicycle, which include:
Must cover at least 18,000 miles by bicycle and 25,000 miles overall (including flights and ferries)
In one direction, not backtracking by more than 5 degrees
And covering two antipodal points (in my case, Madrid, Spain and Wellington, New Zealand).
If all goes well, I may actually get the Guinness record for oldest woman to circumnavigate the globe by bike. Nabbing this record is not my main motivation, though. For the real reasons why I am doing this, read here and many posts to follow.
Click here to get a closer look at my route.