August 17, 2024
Distance: 76.18, Total: 5,533.62 miles
Today was probably the easiest long ride I've ever had in my life: 76 pancake-flat miles on a paved and protected bike path along rivers, canals, bridges, and even a canal routed across a bridge, with cool breezes and a light drizzle, punctuated with two delicious vegetarian plates at restaurants. Ah, the good life.
I also test-drove a refinement to my kit, replacing my cap with a UV-protective headband I like to call my sport wimple. It is not flattering. But two weeks ago, I noticed a scaly, itchy place on the top of my right ear. A collaboration between Drs. Conner and Google diagnosed a potentially precancerous lesion, and I've been covering it with a bandage ever since.
Rest assured that I reapply sunscreen every hour, on the hour. But after crossing a few deserts, I now sweat like a politician in church. And my poor ears flap just outside my helmet, fully exposed to the elements 6-10 hours per day.
So enter the sport wimple. May it protect me from a wrathful sun.